Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Flat to Full-Project Proposal

Chloe Schaeffer

1. For this flat to full project I intend to create an organic figure that proposes itself as a cancer-like tumor, made out of metal. I want to build this piece from the floor up using metal, and casing it in other mixed media components, such as spray foam, cardboard, spray-paint, etc. I want this piece to be built using smaller steel parts that assemble into a larger form from assist pieces. This work of art will be quite tall, allowing the viewer to experience a deeper interaction that is in eye level with them.

2. The piece will not come across as an art work made out of steel; however, underneath all of the other mixed media will be components of steel that allow my sculpture to stand up. The sculpture will come from the floor up and will detach with sleeves at certain areas that allows this piece to function is smaller components.

3. I will most likely use 1/4 inch steel rod for this project, along with plate steel on the bottom that acts as a base, and sleeves that allow my art to connect and disconnect.

4. Lately I have been spending time exploring the disease, cancer, in my work and researching other artists, such as Prune Nourry, who have done the same. I am interested in the tumor like structures, unobscured, yet obscured colors, and allowing something not so beautiful become beautiful. This is something I consistently create; and I challenge myself on how I can tie them to a tribute for my mother, for she is the establishment for my process. Another work and artist that strongly influences and furthers my creative thinking, are pieces by Tara Donovan. I tend to use materials similar to her that repetitively create a form. For example, my favorite piece of hers is her Styrofoam Cup Sculpture.


5. Other materials I will be incorporating in my piece are components, such as, cardboard, to allow for a more outer structure, spray foam, to create my organic-like forms, and possibly spray paint or fluorescent sheets to capture the color I want the piece to take on.

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