Monday, February 10, 2020

Flat to Full Proposal

  1. In Invitation: From Flat to Full, I will create a metal sculpture of the human head. This sculpture will act as a chandelier in the sense that it will be hanging from the ceiling in addition to having a light inside. The light bulb will be a black light, fluorescing the words that will be coming from the sculptures mouth. This project will go from flat to full, as the light will disconnect from the head, in addition to the speech bubble being easily removable. If things go according to plan, the head will be collapsible. This sculpture will create a full experience for the viewer as the head will be at eye height, and also larger than life. This will allow the view to see directly in the head of the person, seeing their mindful thoughts. 
  2. The entire head will be made out of steel with a structural appearance. The sculpture will hang from the ceiling. In addition, the sculpture will hopefully be collapsible and the parts will be easily removed. These parts will likely be attached with sleeves and the collapsable aspect will be achieved with hinges.
  3. The majority of my project will be made out of ¼” steel; the form of the head will be made through heat forming and oxy fuel welding vertically. The speech bubble will either be made of plate steel or some mixed media components. The chandelier will be hung with a linked chain.
  4. Mental health is common, 1 in 4 people have mental health disorders at some point in their lives. Today, social media is negatively impacting the minds of many people in the world. Upon searching the very broad, “Images of mental health disorders,” all that came up were pictures of the human head, jumbled and confused with lots of disruption. My piece touches base with the harsh reality that mental health is not necessary as “healthy” as it should be. Below are the links of two articles and images that I helped give further explanation about my piece.

5. I will create the speech bubble components out of mixed materials, potentially including plaster and clay. I’m hoping to make the letters out of lights, but if that doesn't work I hope to use fluorescent paints with a black light. In addition, I will be required to figure out the electrical components to the chandelier, to make it easier to assemble. By using these different materials, it will help to elevate the meaning behind the piece, as well as providing more texture and aspects for the eye to travel around.

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